Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Case 1: 

Vietnam Case (Item and charges in the same PO)

Create Purchase Order

  • User will input the purchase item and add the charge (item) fee in PO [Input by Vietnam colleague / DanD hk]
  • The charge (item) fee - may just an estimate fee not final [Input by Vietnam colleague / DanD hk]
  • Post stock receipt

After the stock delivered to HK/ know the final charges fee

  • update the final amount for the charge item [DanDHK]
  • Assign the charges to the PO line item [DanDHK]
  • Post Purchase Invoice (at this stage the cost of Item will include the cost additionally assigned)

Case 2

Canada Case 

Stock Purchase invoice and Charges (Freight/Insurance) invoice is separate.

  1. Post the stock purchase order receipt and invoice first
  2. When receive the Canada charges invoice, user will need to create a new purchase invoice, add charge item and allocate the charges to the purchase receipt line.

Item (Charge) can be used to recharge the Labour Cost into the Item Cost.

Before assigning Item Charge, please set up in page = "Item Charge"

(1) No.

(2) Name

(3) Gen. Prod Posting Group

Determine the Purchase and Direct Cost Applied Account in General Posting Setup

Follow below Steps:

1) Search and create new "Item Charge"

2) Create a Purchase Order, input the Items to be received

3) Input the line = Charge (Item)

Enter Quantity / Direct Unit Cost / Qty to receive

Click "Item Charge Assignment"

4) Qty to invoice (this will be done after posting receipts, users know and update the final charges)

Click "Suggest Itm Charge Assignment"

Select the option:

  • Equally - Separate evenly
  • By Amount - Proportion by amoun in line (usually is this option)
  • By Weight - Gross Weight*quantity
  • By Volumn - Unit Volumn*quantity

E.g. The cost will be added equally by clicking "By Amount".

The amount will be posted to the account set up in "General Posting Group" 

The Cost will be assigned to the items

*This will only be done posting invocie. If post receipt, the cost has be not been assigned yet. Therefore, users can post receipt first, then update the charges, then post invoice.