Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • 建立新的批次及安排序號在現有的批次
  • 輸入條目
  • Doc. No. *System自動應用在輸入欄
  • 應用數條的條目,選擇Process =>Apply Entries…
    1. 供款給供應商
  •  前往供應商頁面,選擇供應商後再選擇 Process > Pay Vendor.
  • 選擇vendor ledger entries,再按Process -> Create Payment.
    1. 重覆記帳


      The balance of the account on the line is allocated among the accounts and dimensions specified for the line on the Allocation page.
      For example, the allocation of an expense account across departments.


      Use when the journal amount is the same each period. The amount in the journal line remains unchanged after posting.
      For example, monthly fixed expenses such as rent.


      Use when the journal amount is different each period. The amount on the journal line is cleared to zero after posting.
      For example, monthly variable expenses such as salaries and wages.

    2. Recurring Frequency


    1. Balance

      行上科目的餘額在allocation page上為該行指定的科目和維度之間進行分配。


      可使用於當日記帳每個期間的數目是一樣。 在日記帳上顯示數目沒有改變。



    2. 重複頻率

輸入公式以確定條目的發布頻率, 例給, 1M 在05/01/2021 發佈, 在日記帳發出後,日期會轉為 06/01/2021.

    1. Document No文件編號

Business Central


提供了在憑證編號字段中輸入公式以創建編號的選項。 每個已發布條目的系列,而不是使用標準數字系列。
• %1 – 當前天數,例如 在該月的第 10 天發布將顯示 10
• %2 – 當前週數 例如在一年的第 5 週發布將顯示 5
• %3 – 當前月數  例如 4 月發布將顯示4
• %4 – 當前月份名稱 例如a 發布日期01/04/21 將顯示April
• %5 – 會計期間名稱(從會計期間描述中提取)
例如,如果您希望當前月租日記帳的憑證編號為 RENTJANUARY , 那麼你需要輸入Rent%4 

    1. 描述Description

The text codes can also be used in the Description field of the journal to enter a meaningful description eg. Rent Accrual %3/21 would become Rent Accrual 1/21 if the recurring journal was posted with a posting date in January 2021. Using these text codes saves having to manually update the document date and description each month on your recurring journals.

    1. Dimension

Enter dimension for the entry if needs.