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  1. Search the No. Series and open the number series list.

  2. Select New to create a new record.

  3. Input detail of the number series.
    - Code and Description.
    - Click the Starting No. cell to open detail setup.
    - Don't forget enable this number as Default Nos.

  4. Input this number series detail.
    - Starting Date = the number usage period.
    - Starting No. = the first number of this series.
  5. Search the Barcode mask setup and open the barcode mask list.

  6. Select New to create a new record.

  7. Select options and input data for the new barcode mask.
    1. Barcode mask description - input any detail of this mask.
    2. Select this mask usage (type). In this case, it should be a Coupon.
    3. Prefix - It determines part of the barcode number for the coupon. This number won't change. No matter how many coupons are generated.
    4. Number Series - the coupon running number base on this series to assign to new coupons.
    5. Segment - It designs the barcode combination elements. For a simple case, we combine the Prefix + Number series.
    - Length = how many digitals of the running number.
    - Type = what elements of the mask to combine as a barcode.
    6. It is a sample of the coupon number template and the system will follow the pattern to assign the number.
    - For example, if the number series last used number is 0002. The system will assign 1050003 as the next coupon number.


  1. Search the Coupon and open the Coupon list.
    Image Added

Content by Label
cqllabel = "coupon" and type = "page" and space = "HCAKB"
