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Stock out represents to take the goods out of the warehouse

When it prepares to ship,  the system will open a "Shipment note" document.

Stock Out can be done via the following workflow based on your warehouses operation.

A) Through NAV:

When selling, first open the "Shipment note"; When the goods are actually ship out from the warehouse, confirm the delivery. 

B) Confirm with the handheld scanner: When selling, open the "Shipment note" on the web page; When the goods ship out from warehouse, confirm the delivery in handheld. 

The following article explains the operation method of B



銷售單出貨時, 系統會打開一張銷售單, 以便記錄相關數據

出貨可以有以下程序, 方便不同倉庫的操作形式
A) 全NAV操作: 銷售時, 先開「銷售單」; 當貨物真實點離貨倉時, 確定發貨 
B) 手提掃瞄器確定: 銷售時, 在NAV先開「銷售單」; 當貨物真實點離貨倉時, 確定點貨、發貨及確定


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Operating Procedures

(8) 若有需要選定貨架,可先掃描貨架條碼,右上會以紅色出現貨架名稱

若果用條碼掃瞄, 可以開始掃瞄條碼, 系統會自動累計數量
若果手動計算, 點一下對應的發貨行, 在數字鍵盤輸入數量, 在鍵盤內按「法碼」可轉單位

若果相關產品已設定成需要貨品追蹤, 便會進入「批次/序號」畫面, 需要點選相關批次, 然後才開始點/需入數量

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Prepare the invoice

1) Create "Sales Order", when is is ready for sale.

2) Click "New"



(1) 準備銷售時,先開「Sales Order」

(2) 點擊「New」






Enter customer name and date




Enter the quantity of all goods to be sold

a) Select the warehouse of goods being shipped. If needs to select specific "bin", please choose in "Bin Code".

Otherwise, leave it empty. 

b) If needs to specify the batch to be shipped, select from Line

    a) 在Location輸入發貨的倉庫, 若要指定貨架,請在Bin Code選擇,否則,請漏空Bin Code

    b) 若要指定發貨的批次,可在Line

> Related Information > Item Tracking



Repeat until it is completed. 




(5) 按「Release」可將單於倉庫掃𣈴器顯示Press "Release", and it can show the invoice in our scanner of warehouse. 


正式發貨Stock Out

(6) 在手提掃𣈴器打開mInventory, 在左邊選單選「銷售單」

(7) 在銷售單版面, 點按要準備發貨的銷售單,
或者用掃瞄器掃瞄相關貨物/銷售單條碼, 若相關條碼只有一張單, 會自動跳入銷售單版面, 否則, 點擊相關銷售單進入

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Open mInventory in mobile scanner, click "Stock Out" on the left

7)  Choose the "Sales Order: needed, in the page of "Sales Order".
scan the relevant barcode of transfer order, if ONLY one order in the barcode, it will jumps to "receive order". Otherwise, click the items which user need to transfer. 

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8)  If there is a barcode in the bin of warehouse, scan it first, and the bin name will occur in red. 

User can scan the barcode and system will accumulate the quantity automatically. 
If counting is in manual, enter the corresponding fields, and enter the "code" to change the unit.

If the items are set with "Item Tracking", then it will jump into "Lot/Serial No., press the relevant one, thus start counting or enter the quantity.

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9) Press "Save" when it is finished. System will record for it instantly.

(9) 完成所有貨品後後, 按「儲存」, 系統會立即記帳

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