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As an inventory system, "Items" is the basic unit of storing goods.

Pleae note some critical information in item cannot be changed after warehouse activity occurred.

Operating Procedures

1) Search "items" in NAV 

Press "New" to create new item

作為倉存系統, 「貨品」為最基本及最重要資訊的資料部份

需留意部份欄位為日後倉存資訊的核心部份, 一旦設定及有貨品存取後, 欄位便不能再更改, 而且涉及基存倉庫管理慨念

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1) 在NAV搜索Items


2) 進入了新貨品創建畫面, 畫面包括幾個組別:A new interface to create new item shows with the following sections: 


  • No.: 以一個代碼來代表產品, 可以為產品簡寫 (例如 A"Code" to represent item, for example "mask-n95-hk-0010")或流水號, 若果不填寫, 系統會自動產生流水號
  • Base Unit of Measure: 產品最基本的數量單位, 例如件、對、杯、樽之類, 預設單位是PCS(件) , 但也可自定為其他單位,例如" BoxesThe basic unit of quantity, for example pieces, pairs, etc. Official is PCS (pieces), and user can define as well, like "boxes"
  • Item Category Code:   為貨品作分類,例如" 手機"、"藥品"、"杯子" Categorise items, for example, Phones, Pills, etc.
  • Description : Name and explanation of related itemsDescription : 有關貨品的名稱和簡單說明

Item Tracking

  • Item Tracking Code: NAV提供高階的貨物記錄功能, 包括:
    a)  LOTEXPWH: 產品需要批號及到期日 如食物、藥品類, 此類產品可能過期日LOTEXPWH: Item needs to recods it batch number and expiry day, for example, food or pills. 
    b) SN: 每件產品均有特定序號, 如電子產品、名錶之類, 方便識認個別產品Item needs to record an unique serial number, for example, electronic products, luxury watches, for a clear identification. 
    c) 漏空Empty: 不做任何貨品追蹤, 貨品只以數量點算
    請注意, 這個設定不能中途改變, 因會影響整個倉存記錄, 若果選了批號或序號, 每次產品出入及轉貨必須提供相關資訊No item tracing, and only count with quantity
  • Expiration Calculation: 預設到期日, 放便用戶輸入, 如一般該產品保質期為2年, 可輸入2Y, 可用單位為D=日, M=月, Y=年Define a default formula to calculate expiry day, for example shelf life in general, and the unit can be D=Day, M=Month, Y=Year, like 2Y=2 Years
  • Lot Nos / Serial Nos: 根據所提供的Nunber Series, 自動預設批次號或序號Auto default of the Lot/Serial number, regarding to number series as provided


3) 打開Retail Item, 選擇相關產品Open "Retail item" list, and choose the corresponding item

4) 選按Barcode Press "Barcode List, 根據產品單位輸入相對應的條碼

如: 條碼123456 對應一箱   
條碼888888 對應一件

", Enter the corresponding barcode according to the unit of items

Example: Barcode 123456=1 Box
Barcode 888888=1 Piece





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