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Steps for use physical inventory journal to count inventory.利用「物理盤點日誌」進行盤點的步驟:

1, Use search function to find the Physical Inventory Journal使用搜尋功能找到「物理盤點日誌」。

2, In Physical Inventory Journals, select Prepare => Calculate Inventory action在「物理盤點日誌」中,選擇「準備」=>「計算庫存」動作。

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3. Enter the options and filter for calculate inventory then click OK輸入選項和篩選條件進行庫存計算,然後點擊確定。

(1) Enter Document No. Manually手動輸入文件編號。

(2) Select the option if needs選擇需要的選項。

(3) Select the item filter, for example, if the stock count only for specific type of item (e.g. specific Item Category)選擇物品篩選器,例如,如果庫存只針對特定類型的物品進行盤點(例如特定的物品類別)。

(4) Select the location if the physical count for specific location only

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4. System will populate the inventory quantity per item and location into the physical inventory journal

5. Qty. (Calculated) - existing inventory quantity in system

6. Qty. (Phys. Inventory) - default same as the Qty. (Calculated)

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7. Print the document for physical count - by default, Show Qty. (Calculated) is disable.

8. Conduct the physical count (out of system process)

9. Back to the physical inventory journal then enter the counted quantity into Qty. (Phys. Inventory) if the qty is different.

10. If the Qty. (Phys. Inventory) entered by user is less then Qty. (Calculated), system will calculate the adjust qty into Quantity column and change the entry type accordingly

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4. 系統將每個物品和位置的庫存數量填入物理盤點日誌中。

5. 數量(計算)- 系統中現有的庫存數量。

6. 數量(實物盤點)- 默認與數量(計算)相同。

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7. 列印物理盤點文件-默認情況下,顯示數量(計算)被禁用。

8. 進行實物盤點(非系統過程)。

9. 返回物理盤點日誌,然後在數量(實物盤點)中輸入已盤點的數量,如果數量不同。

10. 如果用戶輸入的數量(實物盤點)小於數量(計算),系統將計算調整數量並相應地更改輸入類型。

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11. 在輸入了數量(實物盤點)後,發布實體庫存記錄。11. Post the physical inventory journal when Qty. (Phys. Inventory) have been entered.