Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Step-by-step guide

titleFor HD only

Work through steps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11^, 16.
^: Check the export data only.

  1. Go to "Teams", ensure correct Teams has set  **NOTE Sep 8 - Team for Tender and Others set after step 5 for prevent the VWH is auto assigned in step 2 / For HD, need copy Team salespeople manually(** 
  2. (Data conversion start)
    Go to Virtual Location (T50045 / P50217) → Action →  Initial Warehouse Setup **NOTE Sep 8 - IN-Transit need to add manually**
  3. (NEW) Go to Virtual Warehouse Priorities to setup Team and Virtual Location mapping if missing (e.g. "Virtual Location"/"Team" :  HA/HT, OTC/RETAIL, Tender/"Empty")
  4. Setup email in "Virtual Location" for warehouse receipt notification  **NOTE - 9/26 (according to UAT4)**
  5. Change future duplicated VW to "OOLD_xxxx" (e.g. OOLD_CBD, OOLD_GP.....) Other won't create under Virtual Warehouse can leave as isas 
    Update Virtual Warehouse Priorities of location if the system shows Teams after initial Warehouse Setup to 999. (already removed)
    Image Added
  6. (NEW 9/9/2023 VL) - Go to Team, setup team for Tender (HA Tender) and OTH (Others)
  7. Go to Phys. Inventory Journal → 9/9 VL New Batch DCCalculate Inventory → (Exclude items that are unable to calculate the sum *see Info | Problem Row) → "OK" to start the calculation , save it to Excel for future verification (for all location)  

  8. Run existing report it currently uses Item Lot Balance report for stock take and submit the inventory balance to auditor.  They never use the Physical Inventory Journal.  For safety, also run the following report before data conversion . 

    1. Item Lot Balance by Location *for run the report smoothly, run by Location MAIN and <>MAIN,

    2. Item Lot Balance with Bin New (this report run for long time and caused out of memory (remove this step).

      titleProblem row
      1. Problem item

        • #303030 - system
        • hang <Sep 8 - No inventory>
        • 1797101601 / MI-191 - blocked must equal to No - no matter excludes this item or not, the error is still prompted unless set Blocked = No.
        •  <Sep 8 - Blocked and No inventory>
        • 8275063/10-L - system hang<Sep 8 - Blocked and No inventory>

        Seems if included blocked item, the system will be

      1. hang.   Please see if the information above can be used for further investigation for deciding how we migrate the inventor to Virtual WH

        filter: <>#303030&<>1797101601&<>MI-191&<>8275063/10-L, Block=No, Location <>IN-TRANSIT

  9. (NEW) run report Physical Inventory List, select include calculated qty in report option for verify purpose.
  10. Also copy "Bin Content" out, please also show Location code column before copy **NOTE This process take a very long time.  Run the object then filter by location "Main" / "Non-Main" for copy**
  11. Copy Reservation Journal - Criteria:  Qty (Base) <> 0, Status = Reservation  **Table 337 Reservation Entry**
  12. Go back to the Phys. Inventory Journal (generated by step 6) Press Action → Init Virtual Warehouse Stock
  13. Go to Virtual Location, setup new Virtual Location (e.g. CBD, GP...... in Main), and disable old 
  14. (NEW) Go to Virtual Warehouse Priorities, set priorities 999 for OLD virtual WH for team **Add IN-Transit manually.
  15. (NEW) Go to Item Journal, press "Patch Delivery Later" button to adjust delivery later for each old VL to new VL
    1. NOTE: (Better create a Batch Name DCDL with no No.Series requirement) need to clear the No. Series for the Default Journal Batch then set again after post.  User use IJ for the no, series but the doc. no. for this patch is DCDL.
    2. If post fail and system message is Sales Posting Checking, remove Restrict from Sales Posting Checking then set again.
  16. Go to Item Reclass. Journal → VW relocation, enter old VW location and new VW location (e.g. O_CBD → CBD)
    Problem Item: AHF7977, qty60
    Please use Old Phys. Inventory Jnl, New Virtual Warehouse Alloc and Bin content to compare your finally result
    Ref this Excel
    View filenameDC 2022-12-10.xlsxheight150
    (Data conversion end)
    if post not success on some line, please check
    a) delete quantity is negative (these line are old DL lines)
    b) remove line with no bin code (old data with integrity issue)
    c) check reservation entry, find item no, if some records in "reservation" in reservation status (DL reserved?), select those / all line and press "Adjust Reservation Entry" => A button is added to change reservation entry to new location code when message One or more reservation entries exist..Either
    copy the reservation entry to excel, delete it and copy it back (remove the user name in CREATED BY / CHANGED BY fields)

    1. Go to Configuration Package to export the reservation entry (filter the reservation entry no.)
    2. Go to the table reservation entry, deleted those lines (Pls refer to UICL-506 comment at Jan 6 11:47)
    3. Back to configuration package to import the deleted entries to table (1. if Location is no MAIN, change to MAIN.  2. If value for created by has value remove it) 

  17. Setup team members and team approver and notification email in the "Team" function (for item approval function) - - 9/26 (according to UAT)
  18. Setup User "Restrict Approver" for user can approve Restrict Sales Posting Checking - - 9/26 (according to UAT)
  19. Setup Job Queue for Report 50313 50316 according to requirement for sending Item Approval Notification to team head 
  20. Disable other Virtual Location and Location, which are not going to use  (9/9 VL - also need to update Virtual Location - add the new added Virtual Location it will use after go-live)
  21. (NEW) 9/9 VL - Update Virtual WH Priority - add the new added Virtual Location and mapping for Team and Priority it will use after go-live
  22. Patch with Report 59998: Document Line Virtual Location and Team, Good receipt date, patch (Sales line, warehouse receipt line, purchase line, sales invoice....)
      1. set up another row with same "Old Location Code" and not disabled, to treat as a conversion.  For example: 

    Old Location Code: OTC, Virtual Location Code:OLD_OTC, Disabled
    Old Location Code: OTC, Virtual Location Code:NEW_OTC, Not disabled

    b. During the patch process, if error prompted for the salesperson is not allow to use the virtual location, then then search Virtual warehouse priority to check if that salesperson can access that Virtual Location.

  23. (NEW) 9/10 VL - Patch the few O/S SO which is created in yr. 2018 and 2019
  24. Setup "Is a sales" in user card - By UICL
  25. Add "VIRJ" in Item Journal Template, with add Source code "VIRJ"
  26. Change account UIC "Skip item approval" to true in "Teams" "Salespeople"   - 9/26 (according to UAT)
  27. Setup Under cost Approver and Under Cost Notification E-mail in "Teams" function - 9/26 (according to UAT)
  28. In Master table (Table 50000, Page 50002), set type "Order Remark",  "Auto Consumption" and "Auto Generate" flag - By UICL
  29. (New) 9/9 VL - Permission set for Virtual WH, Virtual WH-Sales, Virtual WH-WH)
  30. (New) 9/9 VL - Permission Set for Sales Budget
  31. (New) 9/9 VL - Permission Set for Item Approval
  32. (New) 9/9 VL - Sales Budget (per Team)
  33. (New) 9/9 VL - Dimension Value for Salesperson (SP)
  34. (New) 9/9 VL - Workflow for sales order approval ** Approval Condition : Document Type: Order, No.: AA*, Salesperson Code: <>UIC, Status: Open* * Workflow User Group: Ordering Team (According to UAT)
  35. (New) 9/9 VL - Standard Sales Code, Standard Sales Line and Recurr. Sales Line for Customer 

You can check the video below for demonstration 

View file
nameUICL Data preparation meeting-20221215_183928-Meeting Recording.mp4
View file
nameUICL Data preparation meeting-20221215_185353-Meeting Recording.mp4