Panel |
bgColor | #fff |
title | SSH command |
pm2 stop ss-nav-jira-JIRA pm2 stop ss-nav-jira-NAV pm2 start ss-nav-jira-JIRA pm2 start ss-nav-jira-NAV |
If some records were not synced. It is because jira_status is marked to 'U' before being created. The status needs to be mark back to 'N' in order to sync.
Execute the following in MYSQL db in etechplus.ddns.net >> ss_jira.
Panel |
ALTER sol, (ss_order_line sol LEFT JOIN ss_order_header soh on sol.Order_Id = soh.Order_Id) SET sol.jira_status = 'N' WHERE soh.Order_Date > '2021-12-16' AND ISNULL(sol.jira_key) |
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Content by Label |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
spaces | WSKZAM80XQU4CZEL |
showSpace | false |
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reverse | true |
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cql | label = "restart" and type = "page" and space = "WSKZAM80XQU4CZEL" |
labels | restart |