1. To Create Assembly Order
1.1 Go to assembly order then select New
1.2. Select the Item No.
(NOTE: the item must have Assembly BOM)
1.3. Enter Quantity
Enter quantity for how many quantities for assembly output
1.4. BOM item to be shows in lines section and Location code to be default according to Assembly Setup.
Check the location code whether the BOM item to be consume from the location or not.
1.5. Check the location code whether the Assembly Item to be add to the location or not.
Location Code for the Assembly Item to be default by system. You can find the Location Code in Posting Tab
Remarks: If change the Location Code in Posting Tab, system will prompt the message as below:
Select No if the location of BOM item and Assembly Item is different
Select Yes if the location of BOM item and Assembly Item are same
(For example, BOM item to be deduct from MAIN location and Assembly Item to be add to MAIN location after the assembly order is posted)
2. Post the Assembly Order
Post the assembly BOM when the assembly process has been done
2.1 Enter the lot information in item tracking line for the component
2.2 Enter the lot information in item tracking line for the assembly output
2.3 Select Posting => Post to post the assembly order
Once the assembly order is posted, the component inventory to be deducted and the inventory for assembly item to be increase
3. Insufficient inventory
After quantity is entered, system will check the inventory availability for the component it required for the assembly order.
Warring message to be prompted if the inventory quantity for BOM Item is not enough for produce the assembly items.
User can click Details to preview the inventory information for the BOM items. Then take appropriate action (e.g. purchase of the component, inventory transfer etc)
In Assembly Lines, indicator Yes will also show if the inventory is not sufficient
User can click on Yes then review the inventory information in the Availability Check page.
User can enter create purchase order for purchase the component or reduce the Assembly Quantity.