1.Search “Configuration Packages” and select “+ New”.

2. Enter “Code” and “Package name”. (CANNOT be change the “Code” at the exported excel file. For the data consistency system does not allow import the files by using another exported package by changed to same format.)

3. Select “Import from Excel” from the action menu. Then, find the suitable excel file import the system. If you want to choose a whole excel table with one time update, choose the upper one “Import from Excel”. If you only want to update with single table, (for example customer ONLY), choose “Import from Excel” at “Excel” action menu of the “Tables” area. (If you cannot find the Import from Excel” at “Tables” area. You must click “More options” to expand other action menus.)

4. Enter the Table ID of the Configuration Package which the user wants to export into excel. (e.g. Customer with ID 18). Please refer to the appropriate ID below. By default, the system will export all fields to excel. You could be selecting the fields from the system before export. But please ensure the excel uses the same format before import.

5. Before select “Import”. Please clear all the unnecessary and existing data before import. If not, there will be a pop-up window to ask for overwrite previous temporary data.

6. After import, some package errors will be found out under Errors, and user may click “11” to find them out. Or user may check it one by one in the table names below.

7. Please clear all the errors.

For example, “Brand Code” max length of characters is 20 and “spaces” will be included too.

Or update the existing error shown in the Excel and import again.

8. Select “Functions” to find “Apply Package” or select “Apply Package” directly.

If user screen cannot click the “Apply Package” directly from the screen. Please open the sub-menu one by one, (Expand more action menus by click “More options”) select “Actions” > “Functions” > “Apply Package”.

Export Excel file ONLY use for UPDATE existing data and ADD new data into the system.

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