1 – Go to transfer Order List

Enter Transfer Order in Search box, then select “Transfer Orders” link

2 – Create Transfer Order

Select New in Transfer Orders Action bar

3 – Enter Transfer Order Information

(1) Enter transfer from Location Code (e.g. MAIN)

(2) Enter transfer to Location Code     (e.g. SP-TW)

(3) Select “Direct Transfer” (if the goods transfer no need to via In-Transit Location i.e. Post transfer ship and transfer receipt when post the transfer order)

(4) Enter Posting Date if Transfer from Receipt Date is not today (assume work date is today)

(5) Enter Item No.

(6) Enter the transfer quantity

4 – Enter the Item Tracking information

     (1) Select Line => (2) Item Tracking Lines => Shipment to enter the lot information for the item it transfers from the location.

5 - Post the transfer order

Select Posting, Post action to post the transfer order.

After transfer order posted, system will delete the transfer order.  User can find the transaction history in Posted Transfer Shipment and Posted Transfer Receipt.


  • if direct transfer is selected, both Transfer Shipment and Transfer Receipt to be posted when click post
  • if not direct transfer, when transfer to location is received the goods, user need to post the transfer receipt then.