User may have default Diemension Value for differnt table, e.g. Item, Customer, Vendor, Chart of Account...

It's time consuming to update it one-by-one. 

Follow below steps to use Configuration Package to update the Dimension Value:

For example, Dimension Value from Chart of Account needs to be updated:

1, Check the TableID of the Chart of Account

TableID = 15

2, Search "Configuration Package"

Open a new package or use the existing.

3, Do the table filtering for the Dimension Value Code that needs to be updated.

*If no filtering, will have all the default dimension. It is confusing and time-consuming to filter by users in the excel.

Add TableID = 15 , Dimension Code = "HGB PROFIT CENTER" in the filter criteria

4, Click "Excel", and then "Export to Excel"

5, User will have below infomation in the excel (each table's content is different)

(1) TableID

(2) No. = Chart of Account No.

*If Item Card table is selected, it is Item No. Same logic for the others.

(3) Dimension Code

(4) Dimension Value 

(5) Value Posting: Code Mandatory / Same Code / No Code

Clear the Dimension Value Code and enter the updated value.

After updating, save the excel file.

6, Back to "Configuration Package", click "Excel", click "Import from Excel"

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