Discount offer is
- The most standard use to trigger discount by some conditions
- The discount can be discount % or deal price
- The object can be all items / specific items / item category
- Can be set up with “Additional Benefits”. Usually by "Amount to Trigger" / "Member Type & Value“. E.g. If the amount is > $XX / Type = xxx, buyer will have additional benefit.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to set up Discount Offer:
(1) Description
(2) Price Group (Link with Store)
(3) Discount Tracking No.
(4) Validation Period
(5) Enter Lines of Item to be set with discount
Type = Item / Product Group / Item Category / All / Special Group
Discount Type = Discount % / Deal Price
(6) Trigger condition: Currency / Customer Disc Group / Coupon / Member Type / Member Attribute / Amount
(7) This can set the discount by header level (all lines will be changed according to this)
(8) Additional Benefits
POS Outcome:
When amount >=30, the items (add to the discount offer line) will trigger 5% discount.