For HKTV Shipment, the mIn app in iPad is only used to determine how many units will be shipped soon.

Therefore, the field in HKTV Sales Orders "Qty. to Ship" will be filled according to the amount that warehouse users filled in the iPad.

The Shipment is not posted at this stage. Users need to set a Job Queue to allow the shipment posting job to run in a specific period.

Follow below steps:

1, Search "Job Queue Entries"

2, In the Job Queue List, click ”+New‘ to create a new Job Queue

3, Set the following information:

(1) Object Type to Run: Select "Codeunit"

(2) Object IDto Run: Find 99900, name = "Mobile utilities"

(3) Earliest Start Date/Time: Set the earliest start date & time for this job to run

(4) Set the frequency of the job. If it runs from Mon-Fri, just check the box Mondays...Fridays in green.

(5) Starting time (not the earliest, but the standard time for days in point 4)

(6) Ending time (the standard time for days in point 4)

(7) The frequency between the starting time & ending time.

E.g. Start on 1PM, end on 2PM, if No. of minutes run = 30, system will run 2 times.

4, After finishing the setup, click "Set Status to Ready". System will base on the earliest start date & time to run. After that, will follow the recurrence date & time.

*If users would like to run the first time immediately, can click "Run once (foreground)". 

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