Sales and project operation overview








Quotation confirmed

Dimension Value – Project Code

Quotation – update dimension / release quotation

Sales Order – Create Sales Order by copy from Quotation


Project Completed

Sales Order – Post Shipment

Sales Invoice – Create Sales Invoice, get Shipment Line for billing

Step 1 – Create Quotation

1.      Go to Quotation List then select New Action to create Quotation or click +Sales Quote in actions menu.


2.      Fill up Quotation Information

  • Sell to Customer No. / Name
  • Project Code
  • Work Description (e.g. Maintenance Works – xxxxxxx)

3.      Enter Quotation Line Information

  • Select Type = Item, then enter No. MM01

IMPORTANT: Item No. MM01 for generic item no, for maintenance works.  It may change in production environment.

  • Change item description according to the project work.
  • Enter Quantity and price
  • Once quotation confirmed by customer, release the quotation.

**Please refer to Operation-1- Pre-Sales Stage - 3. Sales Quote for Line id, Format and Image handling.

Step 2 – Create Sales Order

1.      Create new sales order.

2.      Fill up Sell to Customer No / Name

3.      Select Prepare, Copy Document Action

4.      Select Document Type = Quote and fill up the Quotation No.

5.      Select Option Include Header then click [OK]

6.      Sales Order copied from the quotation.  Data including Project Code and order line.

Step 3 – Post Shipment when the services is completed

1.      Select [Ship] then click OK

IMPORTANT: System will default Ship and Invoice, user must change the option to Ship.

  • IMPORTANT Once shipment and invoice posted in Sales order, Sales order to be deleted by system.

Step 4 – Create Sales Invoice

1.      Create new Sales Invoice

2.      Fill up Customer No / Name and Project Code

3.      Go to Lines select Line, Functions, Get Shipment Lines…Action

4.      Shipment Line for the customer to be shows.  Select the line(s) then click OK

5.      Sales Invoice line to be fill up by get shipment lines

6.      Preview Posting to check the entries if needs, then Post the Invoice

NOTE: once the sales invoice is posted, system will delete the Invoice.  User should go to Posted Sales Invoice List to find the invoice record