Use for raising purchase request by Requestor then go through the required “approval process” for approve the request before the start the procurement process such as Quotation Exercise and Purchase Order process

Follow below steps for Purchase Request flow:

Create Purchase Request

1. Click [Purchase Request List] in navigation bar.

Note: if the link not included in navigation bar, click Search button then enter Purchase Request List into search box then select the link

2, Click "New" to create a new Purchase Request (By Requester)

3, Enter the Purchase Request information

1) General Information:

  • Company 
  • Reason for Request
  • Request Date (Must be >=Today)
  • Request Type
  • Request By - Default by system according to the login user, user can change if needs
  • Order Type - select the Order Type of the request.  All request items must have same order type.

2) PR Title

3) Remark (if any)

4) Requisition Information:

  • Division - this field decides the Budget to be counted (Budget for the combination of Division and Budget Category)
  • Department - this field decides the workflow to be used (Workflow for the combination of Department and "Handled By" i.e. PO and Non-PO)
  • Enter order fields such as Cost Center / System Code etc...

5) Delivery Information:

  • Delivery Options - Select "Location" for the delivery location setup in system, select Custom Address for enter the delivery address it only use for the request.
  • Location - If delivery options is "Location", select the location code, the delivery address to be populated accordingly.
  • Enter other fields such as Delivery Instruction / Expected Delivery Date etc...

6) Purchase Request Line:

  • Item - select item from item list, the items must have same "Order Type"
  • Quantity - enter the request quantity
  • Currency - select the currency code if the purchase prices is not HKD
  • Estimated Cost - enter the estimated cost for the request line
  • Enter order fields such as Previous Order No, Previous Vendor Name, Suggested Vendor Name etc...

Send Approval Request for "Review"

4, After filling the information needed, click "Send Approval Request" to send the request approval to the approval (set in Approval Actors)

Approve by first approver

*Email will be sent to the approver by system according to the "Approval Actors" setup

The approver can click on the record link to open the Purchase Request Record for review and approve


5, The next approver will receive the email, the click the link to Approve / Reject / Return

*Another way is to take action in "Requests to Approve - Purchase Requests"

*Batch Job is allowed for multiple Purchase Request

6, Once the PR is approved, notification email witht the Purchase Requisition Report to be sent.

the Procurement User need to click "Start Quotation", and then update the Quotation Line and Vendor Quotation

7, Procurement User click :Syn Quotation Line" to copy the Purchase Request Line to the Quotation Line

*User can add additional line in the Quotation Line

8, Click “Add Vendor Quotation" to add the quotation from multiple vendors

Select Vendor / Currency / Trade Terms / Price Validity

Enter Unit Cost from the Vendor Quotation, Item Delivery Lead Time (Date Formula E.g. 3W / 7D / 1M). If the item has no quote from the vendor, check the box "No Quote"

*The Quotation Summary shows the Vendor Quotations created.

9, After updating Quotation Line and Vendor Quotation, Click "Send Approval Request"