The ability to select or search for sales orders

Fill in the simple information of the order

Customer NumberSelect customer, name/shipping address/contact information will be filled in automatically
VAT business posting group Customers who will be marked with GST
Posting DateRecord the date of entry, such as the date of receipt and invoice
order datecustomer order date
expiry dateWhen you post an invoice as the invoice due date, it will be automatically recalculated based on the posting date and payment terms
required delivery dateDelivery day requested by the customer
Salesperson Code / Responsibility CenterSalesperson, if logged in, will be automatically linked
Released by financePrompt that finance has approved the shipment
work descriptionSupplementary work details

Line: Specify Sales Items and Expenses

projectSelect the commodity to be stored, the general ledger account is for the special expenses/expenses here, and the item is for the commodity that needs to calculate the commodity cost
serial number

G/L account number or commodity number

The description is automatically derived from the number, you can override the description at any time, and you can enter a note
warehouse codeSpecify the inventory locations from which items to be sold should be selected and where inventory reductions should be registered
quantityAccording to the number of units
Unit price does not include VAT
The unit price of the commodity, if there is GST commodity tax, can be entered 
(hint: you can enter the required equation in the box, such as 1200/100, it will be automatically calculated as 12, which is convenient for input)
discount linediscount percentage
Quantity to be shipped / Quantity to be invoiced
Used to indicate the number of pending releases to receive/credit
Shipped Quantity/Invoiced Quantity

 Items received or billed

3) Additional sales information

3.1 Receipt/Invoice Label

Currency - currency codeSales currency, will be based on customer data
Prices include VATchange sales price
Payment terms codeChange payment terms, according to customer profile

3.2 Shipping and Billing Labels

  • Shipping: Select the shipping address
    • Default: The default address of the client itself 
    • Alternate Shipping Address: Select customer's other address
    • Custom address: re-enter the order address
  • Billing: Select Billing Address
    • Default: Existing Customer
    • Another customer: select the second customer to pay

3.3 Advance payment

This will not support documents without an address unless there is already a prepaid document

Prepayment %:  Set the prepayment %, which will be automatically arranged to all sales columns after setting. Can also be set directly on the sales column.

4. Shipping Preparation (NA)

1) An invoice and delivery

The first step is to "publish" the order

Step 2 Press "Create Whse. Shipment" (NA)

2) Multiple shipping orders

Search for "Warehouse Shipping List"

Fill in "Location Code"

Under "Functions" press "Get Source Files"

a file

5. Guidelines for Preparing for Receipt

Ready to ship or ship in stock, press 'Create Pick'

Go to "Print" to check the documents that need to be printed to the warehouse, if not, you can leave it blank

If you want to review the extraction instructions, click "Extract Line"

That is to say, some quantities have been dispatched and have not been arranged for shipment.

6. Change any decision

A. Increase the number

If the customer wants to increase the order quantity, it can be as follows:

  • Create additional sales lines
  • Create another sales document to be included later in the shipment

Repeat "Merge Shipments", remember to put the new sales line into the same shipment

Existing extraction lines need to be deleted, or wait for extraction to complete

B. Reduce the number

Need to delete the following one by one 

  • Delete the relevant extraction line (if Pick is not done)
  • Delete warehouse shipping lines
  • Change/delete/add sales line

Reduced orders can:

  • Can be re-added at the shipping line
  • Can create "extract lines"

  • No labels