Recurring General Journal

1Go to Recurring Journal 

Enter Entries

Key FieldsRemarks
Recurring MethodPlease see the table "Recurrent Method" below for details

Recurring Frequency

Enter formula for determines how frequently the entry will be posted,

for example, 1M with a posting date of 05/01/2021, after the journal is posted, the date changes to 06/01/2021.

Posting Date

When create, system default work date, user can change the expected posting date for the recurrent GJ

When the recurrent GJ is posted, system will default next posting date according to the Recurring Frequency

Document No

Simple text can be combined with the following text codes to form a number series or Description:

  • %1 – current day number eg. posting on the 10th day of the month would return 10
  • %2 – current week number eg. posting on the 5th week of the year would return 5
  • %3 – current month number eg. posting in April would return 4
  • %4 – current month name eg. a posting date of 01/04/21 would return April

For example,

  • if enter “RENT-%3/21” in the Document No. field, the document number for the April rent journal to be RENT-0421.
  • if enter “Renal for %4/21” in the Description Field, the entry description for the April rent journal to be “Renal for April 2021”
Account Type

Select appropriate option as below:

G/L Account - if book the entry to G/L account

Customer - if book the entry to the customer sub-ledger

Vendor - if book the entry to the vendor sub-ledger

Bank - if book the entry to Bank Account sub-ledger

Account No

Account No according to selected Account Type

e.g. Account Type = G/L Account - select G/L account no

      Account Type = Customer - select customer number


The text codes can also be used in the Description field of the journal to enter a meaningful description

eg. Rent Accrual %3/21 would become Rent Accrual 1/21 if the recurring journal was posted with a posting date in January 2021.

Using these text codes saves having to manually update the document date and description each month on your recurring journals.

Currency Code

Enter currency code if the entry is not LCY

*blank for local currency

AmountEnter the amount for the currency
Amount (LCY)

System calculate according to Exchange Rate setup if the entry is FCY

Expiration DateExpiration Date of the Recurring General Journals

Enter dimension if any


Post the Recurring General Journal

Recurring Method


The balance of the account on the line is allocated among the accounts and dimensions specified for the line on the Allocation page.

For example, the allocation of an expense account across departments.


Use when the journal amount is the same each period. The amount in the journal line remains unchanged after posting.

For example, monthly fixed expenses such as rent.


Use when the journal amount is different each period. The amount on the journal line is cleared to zero after posting.

For example, monthly variable expenses such as salaries and wages.

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