
Operating Procedures

1, Create the stock-take batch

-In Business Central, search "Phys.Inventory Journal" , Select "Batch Name",

or user may create a new inventory batch for the inventory count by clicking "New".

2, User can delete all calculated inventory previously in the batch. (if any)

Then press "Calculate Inventory", system will show the screen to define the filter to calculate .

For example:

(1) Posting date: Date of inventory-in
(2) Document No.: Mandatory, user can assign any number for it in a convenient basis.
(3) Item not on Inventory: To count any zero stock in this moment 
(4) Include item without Transaction: To count the items which never have stock in/out or they are wholly new.

User can define any item no., Location or bin codes etc in the "ITEM", in order to choose a certain range for counting. (if filter, will show all existing item)

Press "OK", the system will start the calculations based on the filter. 

3, When the Inventory amount for each existing Item has been shown, click "Export to handheld" that those record will be exported to the handheld page (next step). 

*The handheld needs to select the correct Physical Inventory Journal Batch.

4, Follow the below steps for the handheld process:

(1) Shift to the handheld, click "Stock Take" from the left menu.

(2) The page will show the existing physical inventory journal that used to record the existing inventory and used to export the item to handheld for count. Choose the correct journal that will be used for the stock take process (same as step 1).

(3) The page will show different Item / Same Item with different Location (purple color) & Lot Number (grey color)

Multiple ways to enter the counting results:

-Scan the Barcode or Item.No.

-Type the counting number directly by using the keyboard.

-Open the keyboard for a scpecific item, and scan the Item.No / Barcode to count if there are different Location for the same Item.

The  button can change the item unit of measure (if any).

 is used for adding shipment amount based on the orginal entered. Enter the amount and press "+".

If done, click 

(4) Click "Save" when finished and the data is successfully stored.

5, In Business Central, click "Import Handheld Count".

Message "Import Completed" will be shown if the import is successful.

6, The page will show the item journals used for the positive / negative of stock count.

Refer to the below information:

(1) Entry Type.

*If counting > Business Central existing unit, will be "Postive Adjmt"

*If counting < Business Central existing unit, will be "Negative Adjmt"

*If counting = existing unit, will not be shown as no adjustment is needed.

(2) Document No. 

(3) Location Code of the item for the adjustment

(4) Quantity that will be adjusted (The difference between existing and counted.)

(5) Other Item information: Unit Amount & Cost / Unit of Measure, Item No. / Description...)

7, Users can click "Item Tracking Lines to look at the Lot for the item.

8, For multiple handhelds used to do the stock take, users can click "Handheld Count" to have a overview of the stock take amount of each handheld.

Users can see the Scanner ID and the inventory counted for each Item.

Scanner ID: A specific scan code for the handheld

Qty (Phys. Inventory): Quantity of scanned items

Qty (Calculated): Quantity that calculated by the system (existing unit, for every Scanner ID it shows the same for one item) 

9, If everything is fine, return to the page of "Import Handheld Count"

Users can click "Post" / "Preview Posting" to post the Item Journal for inventory adjustment.

After psoting, the inventory amount will change, and the adjustment journal entries will be posted.

*Need to map the “inventory adjmt” account in the General Posting Setup

 Bizspoke Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.