Sales Quote Header Information

Position Ref. NoSales Quote Document fieldData in Business Central Sales Quote Position
1LogoCompany Information - Picture

2Footer - AddressCompany Information - Document Footer
3Footer - TELCompany Information - Phone No. 

Footer - FAXCompany Information - Fax No. 
4TOBill-To Customer Name

ADDRESSBill-To Address

Bill-To Address 2

TELBill-To Phone No

FAX**Confirmed with Trio that the Fax number no need to show on sales quote

EMAILBill-To Email 

ATTNBill-To Contact
5DATEOrder Date

OUR REF.Quotation No + Version No.

PAGE Page number and total number of page generate by system when print the document
6REWork Description

Sales Quote Line Information

Position Ref. NoSales Quote Document fieldData in Business Central Sales Quote Position
7ITEMQuotation Line - ID


Quotation Line - Description

(English Version) 

Quotation Line - Chinese Description

(Chinese Version) 

Format handling

Quotation Line - Format

Available format: BOLD / BOLD and UNDERLINE / NORMAL

Default NORMAL



Quotation Line - Unit of Measure Code

(English Version) 

Quotation Line - Unit of Measure Code - Look up Unit Of Measure Chinese Description

(Chinese Version)

Unit PriceQuotation Line - Unit Price Excl. VAT

AmountQuotation Line - Line Amount Excl. VAT if Note is Empty

Text in Amount field handling

Quotation Line - Note

  • user enter note for Free, By Client, TBC, N/A, Cancelled, Include etc
  • **if NOTE field empty, system show the line amount excl. VAT
  • **if NOTE field not empty, system show the text in Amount
  • **user will enter unit price no matter the amount is free, by client, cancelled etc
  • in this case, user need to enter 100% line discount on the line,  otherwise, the amount will include Free, By Client or cancelled item etc
8Sub-Total handling

Sales Quote Line - Select Standard Text Code SUB-TOTAL

**system calculate the amount in between previous Sub-Total and the sub-total line

9Image handling

**Sales Quote Line to indicate Image by select IMG in Standard

(image size show on document 1.5" * 1.5")

Total Amount Section

Position Ref. NoSales Quote Document fieldData in Business Central Sales Quote Position

Total AmountSubtotal Excl. VAT 

總金額(貨幣)Label for Chinese version

Less Discount

Inv. Discount Amount Excl. VAT

**Disable if no discount

折扣Label for Chinese version

Net AmountTotal Excl. VAT

此單總額(貨幣)Label for Chinese version

Signature Area

1For & On behalf of(English)  -  Hard Code 


(Chinese) - Not include 
2Company Name(English) - Company Information - Name

(English) - Company Information - Name 2

(Chinese) - Company Information - Chinese Name

(Chinese) - Company Information - Chinese Name 2
3Signed byAgent