For m-In, some basic setups need to be done before it can start operating

Application Setting

1. Warehouse Setup

In Warehouse Setup, fill the following fields


Setting Name

Information needs to be filled

1P2 Barcode Nos.

Number series for the P2 barcode.  

Setup the Number Series for P2 Barcode, then assign the number series to Warehouse Setup.

Notes: When set up for go live, starting number can be use the WMS Barcode - last number +1.

2Server ConfigurationNOTE- m-In setting: MySQL server information use for m-In

MySQL Server addressIP address

MySQL passwordpassword for related login

MySQL loginUser ID to connection

MySQL database nameMySQL dataname name (schema)
3m-in Setup *maintain by UICL for setup the parameter according to business requirement.

Water Global Dim Filter

The Global Dimension 1 value for indicate the product is "水" 


Item Reclass Template Name

Item Reclass Template name and Journal Batch Name

*The batch use for allowing system post the Item Reclass Journal for "Damage", "Short-shipment" or multiple BIN case when goods receive process in m-In

4Picture Web Server

The default patch for image it takes from the m-In tablet

*maintain by UICL according to default path it required for store the image file.

Server Url

set up in UAT


set up in UAT C:\inetpub\wwwroot

5Invoicing Email

Setup Recipient, subject and content for the email sent to Invoicing Team when post WH Receipt

*maintain by UICL, the configuration can be change upon request.

Team Recipientthe email address for the group of email recipients

Email Subjectthe email subject 

Email Contentthe email content 
6Discrepancy ReportSetup the "Discrepancy folder" and accessible path (share drive / web)

Photo Report Structure

The Photo Report structure has changed to fit more on the receipt structure 

2. Printer Selections

In "Printer Selection", define the following the output printer

Report ID

Printer needs to be


50269Packing Station printerCarton label for outbound process
50338P2 Barcode printerP2 Barcode label for inbound process

Sample screen for "Printer Selections" 

3. Printer Setup (Model: Zebra GX430t)

To print the labels (P2 labels, Carton label) in correct layout, here are the setup.

1. Connect the network printer 

  • If your printer shared over the local network, click "The printer that I want isn't listed"
  • Click "Select a shared printer by name" > "Browse".
  • Select the computer that shares the printer, then select the printer
  • Click "Next". You can print a test page (optional)



If you cannot connect to the network printer with error shown as:

windows cannot connect to printer
error code 0x00000002

Go to "Services", stop "Print Spooler" and start it again. Then you can add the printer.

4. Setup for m-In user in Drivers/Movers Table

Set Work Type for Inbound - Checker / Outbound - Picker for the staff for allow login to m-In tablet or handheld respectively.


Checker to be set work type is "Inbound"  (user who will use Tablet for inbound process)

Picker to be set work type is "Outbound"  (user who will use Handheld for Picking process)

Login name will be the "No." field, please setup their password (if needed)

Password - System admin can create password to the m-In user.  

WH Supervisor - Check the check box if the staff is WH Supervisor.   The menu for "Post WH Receipt" only shows if the staff is WH Supervisor.

Inbound Setting

1. Master Code Table - Setup Checkpoints in Master Code Table

In table "Master Code" (50000) , the following two types is use for Pre-Alert form checking

Poison 1 CheckpointCheckpoint for P1 
Poison 2 CheckpointCheckpoint for P2
Item new versionCheckpoint for new item version


2. User Setup - Setup for email Notification for m-In inbound process in User Setup

Please go to "User Setup" and select "QA Notification", "Shipping notification" and "WH Supervisor" alert

  1. QA Notification - use for identifying the email recipient who will receive the email notification for the WH Receipt it processed in m-In is pending for QA Confirm
  2. WH Supervisor - use for identifying the email recipient who will receive the email notification for the WH Receipt it processed in m-In is pending for Posting
  3. Shipping Notification - use for identifying the email recipient who will receive "Discrepancy Report" by email when the WH Receipt is Posted in m-In
  4. mIn System Notification - use for identifying the email recipient who will receive the alert email if the Job Queue for the m-In sync job is stopped.  Mainly for system administrator and our support.

Outbound Setting

1. Setup Bin/Zone Mapping in Location Card

Setup All Zones in "LOCATION CARD" and filter, remove all zones which is not in use

Please Note, Bin/Zone Mapping need to set up for each LOCATION it will use for post shipment.

Case Handling

How to setup the Bin/Zone Mapping for exclude Sell to Customer for the rule of Zone Z CBM > 0.5

1) Select the row for Location/Zone Code, then In the Customer Filter, use the symbol <> and then enter the customer number for exclude from the Bin/Zone mapping rule. 

2. Picking Priority 

Setup the picking Priority according to the condition.  Example as below: