Below is an example created to restrict specific member accounts to redeem two free items on every month.
- Setup 2 set of the discount tracking for 1st free item and 2nd free item
- Setup 2 discount offer for 1st free item and 2nd free item
- Enable the all discount tracking and discount offer
- Change discount offer to an apporiate priority
- Setup the member account with the discount tracking
- Job Scheduler - Setup an update job for member discount tracking
- Setup Discount Tracking
*Discount Tracking is a functionality that lets you monitor, manage, and limit discounts for members in a club for a certain period. The discount limitation can be a fixed amount per member contact, account, scheme, or club, or it can be the number of times the discount is triggered.
- Click the icon, enter Discount Tracking, and select the relevant link.
2. Click New to create a new entry.
In the General FastTab, fill in these fields as follows:
Field | Value |
Description | For example the name of your staff club, or the value you entered in the Member Value field in Step 1. |
Limitation Type | Discount Amount. |
Starting Date | Enter the first date in the current quarter; for example, if you are working in July 2017, you would enter 1.6.17. |
Period Calculation | 3M (for example) |
Recurring | Select this check box. |
Limited by | Account |
3. Create a new Discount Offer
Click → New Add a discount offer
Fill in below fields for the discount offer
- Description: Offer description this will be show up on the receipt
- Price Group: Select the store price group will be apply this offer
- Discount Tracking No.: Select the discount tracking created in early for tracking the no. of times used
- Validation Period ID: select the valid period setting
- Discount Offer line: Select the specific item /item category/ special group etc. for the discount, this example we allow each member to get the 2 free item, so here will select Type = All, Discount Type = Disc %, Discount % = 100.
- Change the priority
- Member Type = Scheme, Memeber Value = Staff (Member scheme)
4. Enable the Discount Offer and Discount Tracking.
5. Setup the another set "Discount Offer" and "Discount Tracking" for 2nd free item
6. Go to Member Account to set Discount Limitation (This setup for assign the specific member only can use 1 times of the offer)
Select the specific member account → Related (or click more options to show related) → Accounts → "Discount Limitation"
7. add the discount limtiation code and setup no. of times can be triggered
8. Setup the Job Scheduler to run the member entry update job