Recipe Items Basic Required Fields

Recipe List is required to setup for foods item which need calculate the cost by ingredients and selling in restaurant.
*This KB are not cover all the case in recipe setup, just for fill up basic information before setup key in store
New Recipe basic information needed:

  • Description - Food Name
  • No. - Recipe No.
  • Base Unit of Measure


  • Item No - Ingredients Item No. need to create before setup recipe
  • Quantity per
  • Unit of Measure Code

Pricing (Default selling price of the item)

  • Sales Code - ALL (For All shop)
  • Unit Price
  • Unit Price Including VAT
  • Unit of Measure Code
  • Starting Date  
  • Ending Date (If there have more then one sales price line, ending date must need to filled on all sales price line - except the latest sales line) 



  • Costing Method: FIFO
  • Inventory Posting Group
  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group
  • VAT. Prod Posting Group and VAT. Bus. Posting Gr. (Price): NOVAT


KDS Routing 
Setup KDS routing for item sending to which kitchen printing station

  • Production Section Code


Default Menu Type
Setup Default Menu Type by restaurant to define the food item menu, to allow user to sending item by menu type e.g. main, starter, dessert etc.

  • Restaurant No.
  • Menu Type Order.


  • No labels