Follow the steps below if system admin want to edit the Role Centre, for example, add My Notification to the existing Role Centre.

Please note, this tasks is request technical skill to update the object.  Therefore, this is recommended to process by system admin who have experience on modify object in NAV Development Environment.

1) Find the role center page id

  1. Go to User Personalization, check when profile need to add parts, then click edit

       2. Click the Profile ID Dropdown

    3. Click the Advanced link

    4. Find the Role Center ID.  The Role Center ID is page id in development environment it need to modify. (for example Ordering & Invoicing Team)

        Also, fine the Role Center ID that the role center included the parts you needs. (for example IT Manager)

Alternatively, if you already know which Profile you need to modify, you can open the profile list to find Role Centre Directly.

2) Modify the Role Centre Page

     1. Go to Development Environment, open the page it have the parts you needs (for example Page 9018 IT Manager), then click Design

     2. Select the part then right click Copy (for example, you want to add My Notes Part to Ordering & Invoicing Team's Role Centre)


   3. Open the page you want to add the parts. (for example Page 50175 Ordering & Invoicing Team it need to add My Notes), click Design

   4. Copy the parts from the page  9018 to page 50175 by select the action in right click menu


5. Save the object after is completed


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