Document Prefix

Sales Invoice and Delivery Note with the following prefix should be shown in m-In for the outbound process.

NOTE: The prefix is hard-coded in the system. A coding change will be required to handle a new prefix in M-in in the future.






Delivery Note



Outbound process flow for Home Delivery's Sales Invoice or Delivery Note

1. Create Sales Invoice or Delivery Note in Home Delivery 

2. Select 'Release to WH" action button when it ready to release to WH for goods picking

3. Go to company UICL and then go to mIn Pick List page, the sales document with matched prefix it released to WH to be shows.

4. Go to Truck Journal and add the Document to related Truck Journal manually

5. Pick goods from m-In

Posting Time

After Picked, system will update the "Posting Time" to the sales document. 

6. Go to mIn Packing, select the Packer and Pik No.

Enter the No of Carton for the item you packed for the document and then click Print action button

Pick List Completed Time

After Packed, system will update the "Completed Time" to the Pick List. 

7. Loading - select the Loading page in handheld then scan the Barcode on carton label and the barcode for the Truck subsequently.