Step-by-Step guide for setup the Replenishment calculation by Average Usage

1 - Setup time horizons for historical data to calculate the Average Sales

1.1 - Enter "Replen. Sales Profiles" in to search then select the related link

1.2 - In the "Replen. Sales Profiles List", click New button to setup for the Average Usage Calculation

1.3 - In General tab, fill in the Code and Description for the "Replen. Sales Profile 

1.4 - In Line Tab, you can enter one or more lines with weights.  The weights field use for identify what period is more important.

For example, enter a higher value in the weight field for the more recent period if you want the period closest to today's periods to have more importance than a period one month ago.

Date Formula for Start DateThe starting Date for the period that you want the system to calculate the quantity sold
Date Formula for End DateThe date formula for the end data of the period
WeightIf no weight is entered, all periods have same importance
Weight PercentageCalculated automatically

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