
1, In the Item Card, set Replenishment System = Purchase

Vendor No.

Reordering Policy = Order

*Otherwise, will be not able to generate the requisition line

Open a Sales Order without posting Shipment & Invoice

*Usually for Item which do not have enough inventory to be sold.

2, Search "Requisition Worksheets", click “Calculate Plan"

3, Enter date range of the Sales Order

Filter for Item information 

Filter for total, usually for Location

Click "OK" if done.

The requisition worksheet line will be according to the quantity from the Sales Order

Other information such as Onit of Measure, Due Date (Shipment Date), Unit Cost, Vendor No. will also be captured from the Sales Order.

4, Click "Carry Out Action Message" to export the line into Purchase Order

If need to download the order, click "Print" button.

If no, just click "OK" to generate the Purchase Order

5, A Purchase Order will be generated and line information will be filled automatically.

-Item No. and Name



-Planned / Expected Receipt Date (= Shipment Date)

*Dates will be default as current day. Users need to adjust the Item Cost, Posting Date, Order Date by themselves.

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