Once the Sales Quotes is confirmed by customer, user can convert the sales quotes to sales order or sales invoice for continue the sales process.

Step-by-step guide

1, Use Search function to find Sales Quotes then open the Sales Quotes which is ready to convert to Sales Order

2. Select Process and then choose Make Order or Make Invoice depends on your business 

In case example below, click Make Order to convert the quote to order

3. Click Yes to confirm the action

4. Order with No. 101033 created by system.  Click Yes to Open the new sales order.

5. The Quote No. to be record in the sales order if it converted from the quote.

NOTE:  By default, onces the sales quote converted to sales order, the quote to be deleted by system. 

If you want to keep the sales quote for future reference, you can set up archive sales quote in Sales & Receivable Setup