There are different cases to be handled to reverse the Posted Sales Credit Memo (wrongly posted)

Case 1: If the Posted Credit Memo is created through the function "Create Corrective Credit Memo" from Posted Sales Invoice

1, Go to "Posted Sales Credit Memo"

2, After cancellation, user can directly see which PSI to reverse this PCM

Case 2: Reverse a Posted Credit Memo that created and input manually

1, Go to the page of Sales Invoice, click "+New" to create a new one

2. Choose the Prepare action, then choose the Copy Document action.

3, On the Copy Sales Document page, in the Document Type field, select Posted Credit Memo.

4, Choose the Document No. field to open the Posted Sales Credit Memos page, and then select the posted sales credit memo record that contains lines that you want to reverse.

5, Select Include Header and Recalculate Lines check boxes.
PS: Select the Recalculate Lines check box if you want the copied posted credit memo lines to be updated with any changes in item price and unit cost since the credit memo was posted. (This may result in a difference in the amount)

6, Click "OK". The copied credit memo lines are inserted in the sales invoice. 

If there are no issues, we can post the invoice.

7, If you create a Sales Invoice in this way, the copied sales credit cemo will be automatically applied after posting.

Reference: Dynamics 365 Business Central: Can we undo/cancel Posted Sales (Purchase) Credit Memo? | Dynamics 365 Lab

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