Scenario - the item cost and the cost applied to the sales transaction is incorrect due to the wrong purchase cost is recorded in posted purchase invoice. 

Option 1 - Create Purchase Credit Memo by copy document function

Remarks: Choose this option if the item it included in the PI have been shipped out from the location

Step-by step guide

1. Create Purchase Credit Memo, enter Vendor Name

2. Select action button Prepare => Copy Document...

3. Enter the option in the copy document dialogue

(1) Select Posted Invoice

(2) Enter the Posted Invoice Document No. 

(3) Select Include Header

Click OK to Copy the Posted Purchase Invoice to the Purchase Credit Memo

4. Header information to be copy from the posted purchase invoice such as posting date, document date and due date etc.  

Double check the information before post. 

(1) Posted purchase invoice lines are copied to the purchase credit memo, double check before post.  user can delete the line if no need to including into the credit memo.

(2) Total amount

(3) IMPORTANT: if foreign currency transaction, click on the assistant button it next to the currency code then double check the exchange rate in the page. 

In general, the exchange rate to be according to the posting date

5. Post the purchase credit memo

6. Create purchase invoice for the correct purchase cost.  

   (NOTE: user can also use Copy Document function to copy the original purchase invoice to the new purchase invoice then correct the information before post)

7. Application Worksheet to apply the correct cost to posted transaction 

(1) Open the item card, select Related => History => Entries => Ledger Entries

(2) Select Process => Application Worksheet 

(3) In Application Worksheet, use filter function to filer the list, for example, filter by the item number

(4) Select the original purchase receipt entry it used the incorrect purchase cost then select process 

(5) In View Applied Entries page, select the sales entry it used the incorrect cost amount then click Remove Application button

(6) In View Applied Entries page, select the sales entry then click Unapplied Entries, the available entry to be shows on the page.  

Select the document for apply the correct cost to the sales entry then click OK,

Option 2 - Create Purchase Credit Memo by Get line form Posted document

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