Generally, user can use General Journal for book the entries for non-cash receipt or non-payment transactions. 

For example, transaction for funds transfer between bank account.

1Go to General Journal

(OPTIONAL) - Create New Batch if user want to use another batch to enter the entries. 

**Go to step 3 if use current batch (e.g. Default Batch)

(1) Click on the look up batch button

(2) List of General Journal Batch to be shows, click New button to create new General Journal Batch

(3) Enter Batch Name, Description and assign No. Series to the batch

*If No. series is empty, user enter the document no. manually

*Select No. series for default document no. for the entries according the No. Series Setup

(4) Click OK to close the General Journal Batches


Enter Entries

Key Fields below:

Posting DateDefault work date
Document No
  • Default by system if No. series is assigned to the batch.
  • Manual enter by user if No. series is not assigned to the batch

Please refer to step 2 for how to assign no. series for the batch.

External Document NoEnter External Document No. if any
Account Type

Select appropriate option as below:

G/L Account - if book the entry to G/L account

Customer - if book the entry to the customer sub-ledger

Vendor - if book the entry to the vendor sub-ledger

Bank - if book the entry to Bank Account sub-ledger

Account No

Account No according to selected Account Type

e.g. Account Type = G/L Account - select G/L account no

      Account Type = Customer - select customer number

DescriptionSystem default account name to description field, user can change the description if needs
Currency Code

Enter currency code if the entry is not LCY

*blank for local currency

AmountEnter the amount for the currency
Amount (LCY)

System calculate according to Exchange Rate setup if the entry is FCY


PROJECT CODE must enter if the entries is related to Project

Enter other dimension if any


When ready post the batch, select Preview Posting to check the entries before post


Select Post if the entries is expected and ready to post.


Select Post and Print if post and print the G/L Register for the batch.