Case scenario

If the number series is same for invoice and posted invoice, once user delete the document, system will also create the posted document with same document no.

User should not use the number again for the new created record.  However, if user use the same number for the new record, it may cause the posting error.  

Screen Capture below shows the related setup and the positing issue it caused by the scenario.

1) In Purchase & Payable Setup - Same number series use for the Invoice and Posted Invoice.  This set up aims to prevent use the different number in Invoice and Posted Invoice.

2)  Refer to this setup, system will prompt the message for alert user the empty posted invoice it used the purchase invoice number to be created.

 The Posted Invoice to be created with the same document no and "Deleted Document" to be shows in the Posted invoice line.


3) If user use the same document no. PI22030012 to create the new Purchase Invoice, the error to be prompt when post.  It because the number have been existed in posted purchase invoice.

To resolve this problem

Create new purchase invoice with the new Purchase Invoice Number according to running number

Follow the step to post the purchase invoice - please note, this option will use the new invoice number and user may need to communicate with vendor.

1) Create new document (change the work date if the invoice number is according to specific period)

2) Use copy document function to copy the invoice content to the new invoice. 

3) Post the new purchase invoice. 

4) Please note, the purchase invoice is not able to delete.  User may delete the details for prevent any unnecessary data recorded in purchase invoice.

If you want to use the same PI number)

This is impossible to use the same number. The alternative way is use the suffix (e,g, add , next to the invoice number) it aims to let system to identify the new record.

1) Check the number series setup.  Enable the Manual Nos. if this is disable.

2) Create new PI and then manually enter the No. PI20230012.

    (in this case example, the Purchase Invoice No. with Posted Purchase Invoice which is deleted is PI20230012)

3) Use copy Document Function to copy from the purchase invoice that you can't post due to the said issue

4) Post the new Purchase Invoice (i.e. PI20230012)

5) Go to number series for disable the manual nos, if you enable the option in step 1.

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