Create Sales Order for the project

Step 1 – Select Sales Order then select New Action

OR click + Sales Order in  Action menu

Step 2 – Copy Sales Order from Quotation

Sales Order card page to be prompt, enter Customer Name then select Prepare, Copy Document Action

In copy sales document dialogue, select the option as below

  • Document type = Quote,
  • Document No. = the sales quote no.
  • Select Include Header

IMPORTANT – make sure the project code is recorded on the sales order.  If project code is recorded in source quotation, it should be copy to the sales order.  Enter the Project Code in sales order if missing.

Step 3 – Add line for material list

Sales line to be copied from the sales quotation. 


  • if the item if generic and the description to be different on each order, user need to update the description in sales line.
  • If the unit of measure is not base unit, user must change the UOM code before edit the description.  Once UOM is change, system will refresh the Description.
  • [Purchasing Code] – select MATERIAL.  If purchasing code is empty, the sales line will not show on the Requisition worksheet.
  • No need to enter unit price for the material list item

Report – Customer Order Details to preview the list of material need to purchase for the project

  • Filter Total by Project Code
  • Filter Sales Order Line by Purchasing Code

Step 4 – Release Sales Order

Release Sales order when the material line is finalized.