For mIn, some basic setup need to be done before it can start opearate

Step-by-step guide

  1. In Warehouse Setup, fill the following fields

    - mIn setting: MySQL server information use for mIn

    Setting NameInformation need to be filled
    MySQL Server addressIP address
    MySQL database nameMySQL dataname name (schema)
    MySQL loginUser ID to connection
    MySQL passwordpassword for related login
    Water Global Dim FilterThe Global Dimension 1 value for "水" product

Inbound Setting

  1. In table "Master Code" (50000) , the following two types is use for Pre-Alert form checking

    Poison 1 CheckpointCheckpoint for P1 
    Poison 2 CheckpointCheckpoint for P2
    Item new versionCheckpoint for new item version
  2. Please setup "Inbound" (Checker only) in "Driver/Mover" and their password(if needed) in "Drivers/Movers" page (50010), login name will be the "No." field
  3. Please go to "User Setup" and select "QA Notification", "Shipping notification" and "WH Supervisor" alert

Outbound Setting

  1. Setup All Zones in "LOCATION CARD" and filter, remove all zones which is not in use
  2. Setup Picking priority