
Ecommerce Items is used for mapping between "Product SKU" and "Product Id" to the internal "Item No." in Business Central.

The field "Platform Product Id"  requires either the "Product SKU" and "Product Id" of the platform.

These fields can be found in the lines of the Ecommerce Item List. References are mapped in the exact same way between the fields, with Product SKU as the first search. For platforms that only have one reference, only using the "Product Id" field will be sufficient.


Platform Code

The Platform Code for the e-commerce platform

Item No.The Item No. in Business Central
Platform Product IdThis field will be mapped to the Item No. in Business Central with either the Product SKU or Product Id

Step-by-step guide

Press "New"

Choose the "Platform Code" from the dropdown


Add the "Item No." from Business Central

Add the "Platform Customer Id"

New record will appear in the list