Step-by-Step Guide

1Go to Configuration Packages

Select the Package Assembly Header


Export the package to excel file...


Delete all existing record in the excel file it export from the package. 

Enter the following data into the excel template

A. Document Type = Must have, always enter Order

B. No. = leave blank, system will auto assign the assembly order no.

C. Location Code = Enter the Location code which is expected the Finished Goods ship from

D. Posting Date = the expected posting date for post the assembly order (i.e. the date in item ledger entry for deduct inventory for component and increase inventory for finished goods)

E. Quantity = Ship Qty

F. Platform Code = Must have, always enter SHIPSTATION

G. Platform Product ID (Text) =  the Merchant SKU in source file (example as below)

5Save the file it completed in step 4 for import.

go back to the configuration package, select Excel / Import from Excel


Dialog to be prompted for select the file

Choose the file it saved by step 5 for import


System will prompt the message as below, click Import in action menu

NOTE: System will prompt the message if insufficient inventory for the component, confirm the message for create the assembly order first.


Select Functions / Apply Data for apply the package record it imported from excel to system.

10Go to the Assembly Order list to review and post the assembly order
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