Below is the step-to-step guideline for importing the payment import files to Business Central, in order to create and auto post Sales Invoices, Sales Credit Memos and Cash Receipt Journals.

Excel Workbook

Open the excel import file and "Save as" the excel file to Excel Workbook format.

Business Central can only recognize Excel Workbook file but not other file format (e.g. csv).

Import File Date Format

Ensure the excel import file's date format is either of the following (mmm d, yyyy):

  • Apr 1, 2020 12:11:30 AM PDT
  • Apr. 1, 2020 12:11:30 AM PDT

If the date format is 1 Apr 2020 08:24:15 UTC, users will need to change the data manually back to Apr 1, 2020 08:24:15 UTC

Notes: Please ensure the Date Mapping format is matching the data of import file.
Please reference the setup guide more detail. (session 8)

Set Work Date

Before importing the payment file, users need to change the system's work date, in order for Business Central to use a correct exchange rate for creating sales invoices/ credit memos.

Go to Settings > My Settings, then change the Work Date to the first date of the month of the import data.

e.g. Want to import data for Apr2020, change the work date to 4/1/2020 (mm/dd/yyyy).

Currencies - Exchange Rate

Before importing the payment file, users need to ensure updated exchange rate has been input to Business Central.

Go to Currencies, select the currency and under Process > Exch. Rates.

Update exchange rate if needed.


Go to Payment Import page

  • Press "..." to select Current Platform Code
  • Press "..." to select Current No. 
  • Under the tab "Actions", choose "Import From Excel"
  • Click "Choose" to select the import file,

System will then import, create and post Sales Invoice/ Sales Credit memo/ Cash Receipt Journals.

Once the file successfully imported, a summary window will pop out

Successfully imported

Once the file successfully imported, a summary window will pop out, list out "Duplicates", "Processed" and "Errors" data

When go back to the Payment Import page, the Status has been updated.

If the successfully imported without any errors, users can view the records under "Posted Sales Invoice" and "Posted Sales Credit Memo".

Solve Errors

Users can click the number next to "No. of Failed Imports" to view the error details.

Under the the column "Error", listed the reasons that lead to the error. Possible Errors as listed below:

  1. Cannot find Shipment
    No Shipment can be found with the imported Order ID + Item No.
    1. Investigation
      Check in "Ecommerce Order List" to see if the following criteria has been met
      • Order has been synced properly to "Ecommerce Order List"
      • Order has been created as Sales Order
      • Shipping has been posted in Sales Order Line
    2. Resolution
      • If Order is synced to "Ecommerce Order List" but not created because of errors, resolve the errors and let the Sales Order be created.
      • Known Problem: If Order is synced to "Ecommerce Order List" but does not have any line items, manually created the Sales Order Lines in appropriate Sales Order.
      • Make sure the created Sales Order Lines have fields "Ecommer Order Id", "Platform Code" filled in.
      • Post Ship on Item

  2. Cannot find Item
    "Item No." field on Payment Import records could not be mapped to a proper Item in Business Central.
    1. Investigation:
      • Go to "Ecommerce Item" and filter the field "Platform Product Id" to the "Item No." field on Payment Import records to see if record exist.
    2. Resolution:
      • Create mapping by Adding new record to "Ecommerce Order List"

  3. Not enough quantity in Location
    Business Central does not have enough Quantity for that particular item under that location 
    1. Resolution:
      • Add enough quantity for Item in proper location
        - by Item Journal - Positive Adjustment;
        - by Item Reclass Journal - transfer to the proper location;
        - by Assembly Order - to assemble the item


Once the errors have been resolved, users need to re-process the import data for the system to generate Sales Invoice/ Sales Credit Memo again.

  1. Go to the Payment Import page, press on the No. of Failed Imports number

  2. Then system will lead users to the Payment Import Record page.
    Users need to select the lines to be re-processed.

  3. Under the Actions tab, select "Mark for Re-Process"
    Then system will clear the "Processed" box.

    System will only re-process the lines with blank processed box.

  4. Then go back to Payment Import page, under Actions tab, select "Re-Process"

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