To open credit limit page to preview Customer Credit Balance


(1) Customer Credit Limit - Click on the link “Available Credit (LCY)” link in the Sales Order Fact Box.

(2) Group Credit Limit - Click the link in Customer Group Detail box.


Customer Credit Balance Page

Header Field (GENERAL TAB)Data SourceCondition
Customer GroupCustomer Group NameOnly shows if the customer is use Group Credit Limit

AR Balance (LCY)

Customer Ledger Entries

1. Open = Ture (i.e. Outstanding) and Deposit Entry = No

2. Payment Terms in Related Document No. is NOT SKIP CREDIT CONTROL

Open Export Order Balance (LCY)

Sales Order Line

1. Sales Order Status = Open and Re-opened = No. 

2. Order Status = Open

3. Payment Terms NOT "Skip Credit Control"

4. Less Group Shipment Amount if related group shipment status = Released and Posting Status = Pending

5. Exclude the sales order line which has negative amount 

Remarks: Generally, the sales order line with negative amount is use for handle the sales return.
Case example as below:

1) Invoice posted via Group Shipment

2) Create Credit Memo for reverse posted sales invoice

3) In the original Sales Order, create SO Line -neg. and +pos. for create the correct Group shipment 

4) Create Group shipment for the new +pos. line then post the invoice.

Released Export Order Balance (LCY)

Sales Order Line

1. Sales Order Status = Released or Sales Order Status = Open and Re-open = Yes

*Other condition same as Open Export Order Balance point 2-5

Invoice Balance (LCY)Group Shipment Line 1. Status = Released
2. Posting Status = Pending

Total Deposit Amount

Customer Ledger Entries

Customer Ledger Entries Remaining Balance.

  1. Open = True
  2. Deposit Entry = Yes

Order Deposit

Customer Ledger Entries

Same as Total Deposit Amount in Customer Credit Balance List

Total Balance (LCY)

CalculateAR Balance + Open Export Order Balance + Invoice Balance - Order Deposit
Credit Limit (LCY)Customer/Customer GroupCredit Limit
Available Credit (LCY)CalculateCredit Limit - Total Balance
Released Credit BalanceCalculate Same as total Released Credit Balance in Customer Credit Balance list.
Balance (LCY)
AR Balance, click for open related customer ledger entry
Outstanding Orders (LCY)
Export Order - click for open related sales order line
Outstanding Invoice (LCY)
BC Standard
Overdue Amount (LCY)
BC Standard

Customer Credit Balance 

Customer NameOrder/Invoice NoDocument DateBill of Landing DateDocument TypePayment Terms DescriptionStatus 

Open Export Order Balance

Released Export Order Balance

Deposit Amount

Order Amount (exclude deposit)

Invoice Balance

AR Balance

Credit Balance

Released Credit Balance

AR Due Date
"Customer Name"

Credit Limit for Customer

Group Credit Limit / Credit LimitGroup Credit Limit / Credit Limit
"Customer Name"<Customer Ledger Entries_Document No><Customer Ledger Entries_Document Date>"Lookup group shipment"Export Invoice"Look up Sales Invoice""N/A""N/A""N/A""N/A""N/A""N/A"Customer Ledger Entries_Remaining Amount if 
Open is True, 
Payment Terms not Skip Control
Deposit Entry = False
Decrease AR Balance<Increase if deposit entry>Customer Ledger Entries_Due Date
"Customer Name"<Sales Order_SO No><Sales Order_Order Date>"N/A"OrderSales Order_Payment Terms<SO Status>
Show "Re-open" if the status is Open but the order is released before.
Same as header "Open Export Order Balance (LCY)"Same as header "Released Export Order Balance (LCY)"'Customer Ledger Entry.Remaining Amount 
Customer Ledger Entries: Deposit Entry = Yes and Open = Yes and
Customer Ledger Entry.Dimension Set Entry. Dimension Code = SALESORDER, Dimension Value = 
Sales Order.Dimension Set Entry.Dimension Code = SALESORDER, Dimension Value - Group Shipment Amount if related group shipment status is released and postign status = pending
'Open Export Order Balance or Released Export Order Balance - Deposit Amount"N/A""N/A"<Decrease credit balance> Open Export Order Balance + Deposit<Decrease credit balance> Released Export Order Balance + Deposit AmountN/A
"Customer Name"<Group Shipment_Invoice No><Group Shipmnet_Document Date><Group Shipmnet_Bill Lading Date>ShippedGroup Shipment_Payment Terms<Group Shipment Status>"N/A""N/A""N/A""N/A"<Group Shipment_Amount>"N/A"<Decrease credit balance> <Decrease credit balance> Group Shipment_Due Date
