By the setup of "Allow GST difference" in various pages, users can modify the GST amount which is different from the GST Posting Setup.

This gives a flexible adjustment for users if documents under the same vendor / customer are with different GST calculation.

Follow below steps for the setup of GST Difference:


1, Search "Currencies" and go to the related Currency Card

Modify the Max. GST Difference. 

*The Difference is measured by amount but not percentage

2, Search "Sales & Receivable Setup" (Sales Document)

or "Purchase & Payable Setup" (Purchase Document)

Check the box "Allow GST Difference" to enable the GST Difference function.

Case 1: Create Purchase Invoice

1, Original GST Amount = 10%

2, Click "Statistics"

3, Modify the field "GST Amount" in line.

*The difference should not exceed the setup in Currency Card.   E.g. Max. GST Difference = 10, user can enter 20 (10+10) in line. Amount Including GST will change according to GST amount.

** If users have checked the box including GST. GST Base will be re-calculated by the GST Amount entered.

Otherwise, will based on the GST Amount to calculate the Amount Including GST.

4, Click "Post" in the header if done.

Posted Document & Journal Entries will show the adjustment GST amount.

Case 2: Group Shipment Case

1, Add Group Shipment Line from the picker

2, Click "Post Ship" after releasing the document.

3, Click "Create Purchase Invoice"

4, Find the related Purchase Invoice, Click "Statistics" to modify the GST. 

5, Click "Post Sales Invoice". The whole Group Shipment process will be finished.

Posted Document & Journal Entries will show the adjustment GST amount.

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