Through Group Shipment, Posted Sales Invoice & Purchase Invoice will be created at the same time.

User should post the Credit Memo for Sales Invoice before for Purchase Invoice.

Follow below steps:

1, In the Posted Sales Invoice List, find the targeted Sales Invoice.

*The Posted SI should be in open status (not closed) 

2, Click "Create Corrective CR/Adj Note to create the Credit Memo which has already be applied to the Invoice automatically.

3, Related Information will be filled automatically. Click "Post" to post the Credit Memo

4, Sales Credit Memo is created and posted up to this stage. Go to page "Purchase CR/Adj Notes" and click "+New" for a new Purchase Credit Memo.

*For Purchase part it cannot be done as same as the sales part because of the Group Shipment process (Shipped → Post PI → Post SI). The system is not able to find the related line of the item ledger entries returned.

5, Input the vendor name, purchase line details same as PI. Fill the Dimension Code for SI. Then click "Apply to Item Entry".

6, Find the Type with Sales Credit Memo which has been posted before.

7, Apply the Credit Memo to the Posted PI

Set Apply-ID, check the amount, and then click "OK"

8, Click "Post" to post the Credit Memo.

User then can find related entries in Vend Ledger Entries & Cust Ledger Entries

E.g. Cust Ledger Entries

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