"Post All Document" in Group Shipment is a combination of the following procedures:

  1. Post Ship
  2. Create Purchase Invoice
  3. Post Sales Invoice.

In circumstances where "Post All Document" encounters any issues, the above procedures need to be resumed manually based on the "Posting Status".

Posting StatusDescriptionResolution
PendingNothing has been posted yet.N/A
  1. Items has been shipped.
  2. Purchase Invoice has been created
  1. Post Purchase Invoice manually.
    1. In the search bar, type "Purchase Invoice" and go to the "Purchase Invoice List"
    2. Find the Invoice that has already been created.
    3. Check the details of the Invoice. If the details are correct, got to Home > Post > Post
  2. Resume the Process in the "Group Shipment" page
    1. On "Group Shipment" page, Go to Actions > Functions
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