Follow the steps below to create currency and set up exchange rate.

To Create Currency

  1. Search "Currencies" & go to the page
  2. Select New on Action Bar
  3. Fill up the basic information as below.
  • Code • Description
  • Realized Gain Acc. • Realized Losses Acc.

To setup Exchange Rate for each Foreign Currency

  1. Go to Currencies List then select the currency you want to set the exchange rate and then Exch. Rates in Action Bar.
  2. System prompted the Currency Exchange Rate page
  3. Click New action button for add new exchange rate for the currency.

or click on the action button in the Currency Card.

  4.  Enter the following information.    

Starting SateEnter the starting date of the exchange rate it will be use in the system.
Relational Currency Code 

Enter the Currency Code for Local Currency (i.e. AUD)

*NOTE: this is specific setup for CN Asia and CN AU for facilitate the customization feature.

Refer to BC feature, if relational currency is local currency, this field should be "blank"

Exchange Rate Amount

Enter the amount of the Currency Code.  

Relational Exch. Rate AmountEnter the amount of the Relational Currency Code.

Exch, Rate Setup

Exchange Rate Amount = the amount for the "Currency Code"

Relational Exch. Rate Amount = the amount for the "Relational Currency Code"

If "Exchange Rate Amount" is 1 and "Relational Currency Rate Amount is 1.475, that means US$1=AU$1.475. 

If "Exchange Rate Amount" is 0.64 and "Relational Currency Rate Amount is 1, that means US$0.64 = AUD1.

Currency Setup for Local Currency-CN

Customized feature for not allow "blank" for currency code is implemented.  To facilitate this feature, Currency Exchange Rate setup for local currency as below:

 1) No need to fill currency code in Relational Currency Code for the Local Currency (i.e. AUD) 

 2) Both Exchange Rate Amount and Relational Exch. Rate Amount are 1

 3) Select "Both" for Fix Exchange Rate Amount