Step-by-step guide for setup and use of Item Template


1Enter "Item Template" in search icon then select the link from the result list

To Create New Item Template, click New action button


Fill up the Item Template 

Option 1 - fill out the template manually.  

Option 2 - use Copy function if the value is similar with existing Item Template

Step 1 - Enter "Code" for the new template

Step 2 - Select Copy Template action button

Step 3 - Select the "template" from the Item Templates list and then click OK

Step 4 - the data to be copy from selected template, change the data if needs.

NOTE - Important fields in item template.

1) Tempalte Code (Mandatory)

2) Description

3) No. Series

4) Type: Inventory / Serive / Non-Inventory

5) Base Unit of Measure

6) Costing Method

7) Gen Prod. Posting Group

8) Inventory Posting Group

9) Dimension 

Apply Template to the item card.

  1. Click "New" in the Item List
  2. Select template from the list
  3. Click OK 

  • If you want to use the template to create new item, then select the template then click OK.
  • If you want to create a new item by use the blank item card, then click Cancel

     The system message to be prompted for confirm. 

      Click Yes for open the Blank item card, Click No for cancel the action for create item.


The Item created will include the information entered in the tempalte. If users do want to have that information, please do not fill in the template.