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1)銷售退貨訂單 - 記錄從客戶那裡退回的損壞物品,並不會對庫存價值進行更改。
2)進貨退回訂單 - 記錄將損壞物品退回給供應商進行修理。
3)採購訂單 - 記錄當供應商發送物品時的收貨和發票情況。
4)銷售訂單 - 記錄發送修復後的物品給客戶的出貨和發票情況。


1, 使用搜索功能找到銷售退貨訂單。

2, 點擊“新建”。

3, 在“概要”選項卡中,輸入客戶名稱和外部文檔號。

4. 選擇“處理”=>“獲取已發佈的文檔行以逆轉…”。

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5. 選擇要退貨的已發佈的銷售文檔行

(1) 默認情況下,顯示客戶的已發佈發票選項
(2) 選擇要退貨的已發佈銷售發票行
(3) 點擊“確定”以確認所選擇的項目

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6. 退貨項目7000從已發佈的發票行添加。選擇退貨原因代碼。在此情況下,退貨原因代碼被配置為庫存價值為零,因此退貨物品不會對庫存價值造成影響。

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7. 創建相關的退貨文件


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8. 創建相關的退貨文件

(1) 選擇供應商進行進貨退貨和採購訂單
(2) 相關文檔選項由系統默認
(3) 點擊“確定”以確認

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9. 系統創建相關文檔

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10, 發佈銷售退貨文件。

11, 打開進貨退回訂單,然後發佈退貨至供應商。

12, 當從供應商收到物品時,打開採購訂單進行收貨和發票登記。

13, 當物品準備發送給客戶時,打開銷售訂單進行發貨和發票登記。

For the scenario that customer returns the damage item to you will send back to the customer after vendor repair the item and send back to you.

In this case scenario, the document process as below:

1) Sales Return Order - record the damage item returned from customer with no change on inventory value.

2) Purchase Return Order - record the damage item return to the vendor for repair

3) Purchase Order - record the receipt and invoice when vendor send back the item

4) Sales Order - record the shipment and invoice when send the replied item to customer.

Step-by-step guide

1, Use search function to find Sales Return Order

2, Click New

3, In General Tab, enter Customer Name and External Document No

4. Select Process => Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse...

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5. Select Posted Sales Document Line to return

    (1) by default, option for Posted Invoices for the customer to be shows

    (2) select the posted sales invoice line for return

    (3) Click OK for confirm the selection

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6. The return item 7000 added from the posted invoice line.  Select the Return Reason Code.  The return reason code is configured Inventory Value Zero, in this case, the return item will not change on the inventory value.

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7. Create related return document

Select Process => Create Return-Related Documents... 

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8. Create return related documents

    (1) Select Vendor for purchase return and purchase order

    (2) The related document option defaulted by system

    (3) Click OK to confirm 

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9. Related document created by system

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10, Post the sales return document

11, Open the purchase return order then post for goods return to vendor

12, When the item received from vendor, open the purchase order to post receive and invoice

13, When the item ready to ship to customer, open the sales order to post shipment and invoice.