In new sandbox, you need to perform following setup for QF Pay terminal.
1) Pls start nodeJS server on vm95, node-integration-pax project (branch dev_QF). (run command: npm start)
Click the link to check the server is available or not, successful when the website loaded. Bizspoke API Server Status
2) In "POS Hardware Profile Card", create a new H/W profile or modify existing profile.
enter the following fields:
Role | Sub Role | ID | Hardware Station Host | IP Address | Port Number | Terminal ID | Store ID | Remark | Terminal IP | Terminal Port | Terminal Timeout (ms) | QF POS Key | QF POS IV |
EFT1 | localhost:8082 | | 3000 | 242KCASB9814 | 1000031263 | | 9001 | 60000 | ●●●●●●●●●● | qfpay202306_hjsh |
*** DO NOT change the red text value, "ID", "Terminal Port", "QF POS IV"
^1) "IP Address" is the public IP
^2) "Port Number" is the exposed port at firewall
^3) "Terminal ID", "Store ID" refers to the PDF at "\\\Project_shared\NAV\Logos\QF_Pay\商户帳號設置表格 - Bizspoke Technology Company Limited (Testing).pdf".
^4) "Terminal IP" = QF Pay Terminal IP, you may find it in the device Wi-Fi setting
^5) "QF POS IV" = qfpay202306_hjsh
Defined in
^6) "QF POS Key" can be found from QF Management Portal
^7) "Terminal Timeout (ms)", at least 30000ms (equivalent to 30sec)