This page introduce how to create Job, copy Job, add attachment to job and how to update the Project Code to job after the project is created.

1. Create Job by copy from existing record (for example, copy from the Job card it created for template)

Step 1 - Click [Jobs] in navigation bar.

Note: if the link not included in navigation bar, click Search button then enter jobs into search box..

Step 2 - Create new Job by copy from template.

Select Template then choose action Process => Copy Job

Select Job Tasks No. it needs to copy from the template, then click OK

Step 3 – Enter Job information.

 Change the data it copied from Template.  The key information for Job Card as mentioned in the table below::




Auto Generate by system


Enter the Job Description

Bill-to Customer No

Select from Customer List.

Bill-to Contact No

Default from customer, user can select another contact for the customer if needs

Project In-Charge

Select from Resource List.

Project-in Charge Phone

Default from selected Project-In-Charge

Person Responsible  

Select from Resource.

Responsible Person = Site Forman in project schedule excel

Person Responsible Phone

Default from selected Person Responsible

To be show in project schedule excel mobile for site foreman

Project CodeIf Quote confirmed and the project code is created

2. Create Job without copy data from existing record

1 - Select action New to create new job card

2 - Enter Project Information

Key information for job as below:


Auto Generate by system


Enter the Job Description

Bill-to Customer No

Select from Customer List.

Bill-to Contact No

Default from customer, user can select another contact for the customer if needs

Project In-Charge

Select from Resource List.

To be show in project schedule excel

Project-in Charge Phone

Default from selected Project-In-Charge

To be show in project schedule excel

Person Responsible  

Select from Resource.

Responsible Person = Site Forman in project schedule excel

Person Responsible Phone

Default from selected Person Responsible

To be show in project schedule excel mobile for site foreman

Project CodeIf Quote confirmed and the project code is created

3 - Enter Job Tasks information

Key information for Job Task as below

Field Name


Job Tasks No

For Project Schedule

Job Tasks No. = column [Item] in project schedule excel

For sorting and sub task’s purpose, suggest use 4 digit and beginning with 0100.

For Billing Schedule

Job Tasks No. = "payment for installment" show in sales invoice printout 



Enter the Tasks Description

Job Tasks Type

For Project Schedule Select Heading if the tasks have sub-tasks 

For Billing schedule may not have sub-tasks, remain the default Job Task Type "Posting

4 - Enter Job Planning Lines

1) Select Job Tasks

2) Select Line => Job => Job Planning Lines

For Project Schedule

Enter the plan start date for the tasks in 1st line then enter the plan end date in end line. 

For example, Task 0200 Duration from 1/28/2021 to 1/30/2021

*add line for start date and end date and enter the planning date only.  No need to edit other fields.

For Billing Schedule

Enter 1 job planning lines for each installment (i.e. Job Tasks)

Fill up the key fields below:

Field Description
Planning DateThe planned billing date
Line TypeBillable
NoSelect from Item Card - the item created for the payment description
Unit PriceEnter the planned billing amount
Line AmountCalculated by system

Tips: manage job planning line for all tasks

1Click on the Start Date

2Clear the filter for Job Task No,

3Click Edit List to edit the Job Planning line for Tasks

3. Add attachment to jobs

1Select Job from Navigation bar then select appropriate action button

Open the job card, then select Process, Attachment

Attachments page to be shows.  Follow the steps below to add an attachment.

  1. Click on the new line. link "Select File..."to be show
  2. Click the link “Select File…” to select file from your disk.
  3. (Optional) Enter the Job tasks No. for identify the attachment is related to which tasks.
    1. Task Description – System shows the tasks description for reference.
  4. (Optional) Enter the Description for the attachment
  5. (Optional) Select Type from a list e.g. From Customer, Send Out etc.
  • File Extension and File Type to be auto detected and fill up by system.
  • User to be auto populated by system according to the login user.

Attachments button also available in Tasks Tab Actions => Line and Attachments

2Mark Send Date for the attachment

To mark the Send Out Date, either select Actions, Mark Send Out or pick date from Calendar

4. Update Dimension to Job

Step 1 - Select Job from Job list then select action Job => Dimensions-single

Update Dimension (i.e. Project Code) to Job without open the Job Card

Step 2 - Select [Project] for Dimension Code then select the project no. in Dimension value code.

1) Select Dimension Code (i.e. Project)

2) Select Dimension Value Code

3) Value Posting - select Same Code