The operation flow below shows the basic operation for following process

Intercompany Transaction - IC sales order and IC purchase order

The  scenario for Restaurant 1 acquire item from HQ

Process bySteps
Restaurant 1

Create Intercompany Purchase Order by Restaurant 1 Company

1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Purchase Order, and then choose the related link

2. Click "New" to create a new document

3. In General tab, enter Vendor Name for Headquarters

4. In Lines tab, enter the item(s) and Location which is expected to received the goods

  • Type - select Item
  • No. - Enter Item No. (select from Item list)
  • Location Code - Enter Location Code (select from location list)
  • Quantity - Enter the required Quantity 
  • Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT - enter the purchase cost (system will default last direct cost or vendor purchase price for the item if any, user can change on the item line.

In case example below, it shows Restaurant 1 acquire 30 pack Pasta from Headquarters.

5. Send Intercompany Purchase Order to HQ

Select Release / Send Intercompany Purchase Order from action menu

After the PO sent, Status to be change to Released by system


Process the Intercompany Sales Order by Headquarters Company

1) System created sales order for the intercompany purchase order automatically,  The External Document No. to be show the IC PO No. for reference

2) Sales Order basic information are published by system according to the IC PO and Intercompany setup. 

Assign Location / Bin which is expected to ship the goods from

3) Post Sales Order for record the item shipped for the sales order

Select Posting to post the sales order

Restaurant 1

Receipt the inventory at Restaurant 1 company

Open the Purchase Order for post Receipt

Click Posting for post the Purchase Order in Restaurant 1 company

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