ListDescriptionSample Screen
General Ledger Entries

The list shows all double entries posted.

Key Field including:

  • Posting Date
  • Source Code - *Please refer to reference information source code in below
  • Source No. - *Customer No or Vendor no. if source code is SALES or PURCHAES
  • Document No. 
  • Project Code (Global Dimension 1)
  • G/L Account No
  • G/L Account Name
  • Description - *posting description 
  • External Document No. 

General Ledger Entries 

G/L Dimension Overview

Select Entry => G/L Dimension Overview to preview the matrix for G/L entries and Dimension

Set Dimension Filter

Select Entry => Set Dimension Filter to filter the G/L Entries by Dimension (e.g. filer by Project Code)

Customer Ledger Entries

Sub-ledger of all “Customer” Type Balance Sheet Entries.

  1. Accounts Receivable
  2. Received in Advance

Filter example:

1 - To find the customer outstanding payment => Filter Customer No or Customer Name and Open = Yes

2 - To find all AR for the Project no matter the payment have been received or not => Filter Project Code

Vendor Ledger Entries

Sub-ledger of all “Vendor” Type Balance Sheet Entries.

  1. Accounts Payable
  2. Deposit Paid

Filter example:

1 - To find the outstanding deposit paid to vendor => Filter Description *deposit * and Open = Yes

*please note, the filer only applicable if the description for the payment journal is content the text deposit (e.g. 50% Deposit.)

Bank Ledger Entries

Sub-ledger of all “Bank” Type Balance Sheet Entries.

  1. If use Bank Reconciliation Function in system. Have indicator for validated bank entries.
    For more details, please see Reconcile Bank Accounts - Business Central | Microsoft Docs

Reference Information - Source Code

Source CodeDefinition
CASHRECJNLCash Receipt Journal
CLSINCOMEClose Income Statement
EXCHRATADJExchange Rate Adjmt.
GENJNLGeneral Journal
ITEMJNLItem Journal
INVTPCOSTInventory Post Cost
INVTRCPTInventory Receipt
INVTSHPTInventory Shipment
PAYMENTJNLPayment Journal
PHYSINVJNLPhys. Inventory Journal
PURCHASESPurchase (e.g. Purchase Invoice)
PURCHJNLPurchase Journal
SALESSales (e.g. Sales Invoice)
TRANSFERTransfer (e.g. Transfer order)

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