Setup for the new enhancement

No. Series / Purchase and Payable Setup

i. Create No. Series for Purchase Debit Note, Purchase Credit Note, Temp Purchase Invoice

NOTE: No. series description to be show on the Payment Schedule Report - Column "Document Type"

**Screen Capture below just for example.  The no. series code and number structure should be decide by UICL. 

1 - Purchase Credit Note (e.g. BZ-P-CN) - the no, series use for identify the document is for Credit Note when user create purchase invoice

2 - Purchase Debit Note (e.g. BZ-P-DN) - Debit Note no. to be use for the "Purchase Credit Memo" it created when Purchase Return posting. 

3 - Temp Purchase Invoice (e.g. PI-T) - use for handle the unreceived purchase case.  

ii. Add No. Series Relationship 

a) Number series use in Purchase Invoice
  • Select No. Series Code PI, then select Relationship and add the no. series for purchase credit note (e.g. BZ-P-CN) and no. series for Temp Purchase Invoice (e.g. PI-T)
  • The purpose of this setup is allow user select the related no. series for identify what type of document is related to the Purchase Invoice Record

Case example for select no. series in Purchase Invoice

When user create purchase invoice user can select the document is created for Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Note or Temp. Invoice

1) click the ... button next to No. field

2) select the no. series. for example, if the document is created for purchase invoice, select PI

3) click OK to confirm the selection

b) Number series use for Purchase Credit Memo
  • Select No. Series Code PC, remove existing relationships line if any.
  • Select No. Series Code for Debit Note (eg. BZ-P-DN) then select Relationship and add the no. series for purchase credit memo (e.g. PC) and no. series it may need to use when create purchase credit memo if any (e.g. PO-IS)

NOTE: both Default Nos. and Manual Nos. are need to tick for Debit Note no and purchase credit memo no.

  • The purpose of this setup is allow system can assign the Debit Note No. in posted credit memo when it created from post the purchase return. 
  • In additional, user can able to select the number series for purchase credit memo when they need to create document in Purchase Credit Memo 

Case example for select no. series in Purchase Credit Memo

When user create purchase credit memo user need to select the no, series it use for identify the document type is Purchase Credit Memo

1) click the ... button next to No. field

2) select the no. series. for example, select PC

3) click OK to confirm the selection

NOTE: Debit Note Number mainly use for the posted credit memo it created by post purchase return.

iii. Purchas & Payable Setup - Assign the new no. series for Credit Memo 

  • Go to Purchase and Payable Setup then assign the new no. series for Credit Memo No. and Posted Credit Memo No.


  • when purchase return is posted, posted purchase credit memo (i.e. Debit Note) to be create by system and use the no, series for debit note.
  • Credit Memo Nos. must same as Posted Credit Memo No. for allow system use the same number on Purchase Credit Memo and the Posted Credit Memo.

Users and Purchase & Payable - Set up for Default Signed By

i. Users - Enter 'title' for the user who will sign the purchase invoice, purchase debit note etc

for example, user Jenny Wong to be sign the document, enter the Title for the user.  The title to be print on the signature area of the said documents

If the user name need to show on the document, please fill up Full Name

ii. Purchase & Payable Setup

Select the user in Default Sign by 

When the new purchase invoice is created, the default signed by to be show on the purchase invoice

The document signature area to be shows the title of the sign by user.   The sample below only display the title.  If need to show the signed by user name, please fill up Full Name in user setup. 

Please note, the document to be print from Posted Purchase Invoice.

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