New function for allow approver to approve the specific document it has restriction when post Invoice or Delivery Note.


Please note, below setup to be handle by dedicated user, e.g. system administrator.  Please refer to Setup for the details

  • Setup in users for assign approver for approve the sales invoice or DN it has "Restrict" configured in Sales Posting Checking
  • Configuration in Sales Posting Checking

Configuration in Sales Posting Checking

   Restrict - check the check box for Restrict if the sales invoice or DN line is needed to release by the Invoicing team approver when post DN or Invoice.

To approve the sales invoice or delivery note which has item it needs to approve for the restrict.

Same as existing process, sales posting checking to be check when print no-header document or post sales invoice / delivery note. 

1. Go to Item Approval List

    Use search function or find the link in Departments/Sales & Marketing/Order Processing

2. List of sales line in SI or DN it has restricted item to be shows.

   Action button use for following actions.

  •  Approve => select the line then click Approve for approve the Document 
    • once the document is approved, user can post accordingly.
  •  Open Document - select the line then click Open Document to preview the sales invoice or delivery note.


Approval Type


Allow Skip Approval

Send “Item Approval” / “Restrict” Request

Print the “Restrict” information on document report

Item Approval


Virtual Location

Yes – according to setup in Salespeople.

(e.g. UIC)

“Send Approval Request”

·       Sales Order

·       Sales Invoice

·       Delivery Note

*Note: Sales Order Workflow for SO with Prefix “AA” only.   




Vendor No


Virtual Location

Lot No


Customer Type

Sales Prefix


“Send Approval Request”

·       Sales Invoice

·       Delivery Note


·       Transfer Order

·       Item Journal


- show restrict information on document only, no approval to be send

·       Sales Invoice

·       Delivery Note

  • No labels